Alpha Phi Omega
Alpha Phi Omega (APO) is a national co-ed service fraternity at Cal Poly. I have been an active member since Spring 2023, having culminated 50+ community service hours so far during my time with APO.
I have been serving as Marketing Director alongside my co-director since September 2024. Together we work together to design promotional materials for rush, social media posts, manage social media accounts, and create merchandise. We also lead a committee of 3-4 active members to assist us with some of those tasks.
Alpha Phi Omega - Zeta Omicron Chapter
Graphic Design, Social Media, Marketing
Adobe Illustrator, Canva, Instagram, LinkedIn
Fall 2024 Rush
Design a marketing campaign to advertise the entire week of themed rush events.
Moodboard & Ideation
Second Drafts
Final Designs
Marketing Director
2 Weeks
Throughout this process we kept in communication with the rush chairs as they were in charge of planning these events and coming up with a rush theme. They decided to go with Cirque du Soleil as the theme, which admittedly I was a bit intimidated by as I’ve never designed anything like this before. With my co, we created a share Pinterest board so we could moodboard and generate some ideas.
We shared our moodboard with the rush chairs to ensure that our vision was aligning with theirs, and then I got started on some rough sketches on my iPad using Procreate.
First Drafts
For my second drafts, I played a lot with the shadow and glow effects on Illustrators to give the designs more dimensional and truly feel illuminated. At the same time, I tried to keep a good balance and avoid doing too much with the effects.
These are my final designs for the week of rush posts.
While my co worked on the rush flyer, I handled the social media posts. My initial draft of the intro post was pretty rough and very one-dimensional. I knew I really wanted to go with the idea of the circus tent opening up as it would be the opening post of this series, and I thought that the typography could really be eye-catching. For the event posts, I wanted to make a template that could be adaptable for each day of rush to keep the theme cohesive.